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namestringThe name of the secret.
createdstringThe date when the secret was created.
createdAtnumberTimestamp for when the secret was created.
decryptablebooleanIndicates whether the secret value can be decrypted after it has been created.
projectIdstringThe unique identifier of the project which the secret belongs to.
teamIdstringThe unique identifier of the team the secret was created for.
uidstringThe unique identifier of the secret.
userIdstringThe unique identifier of the user who created the secret.
valuestringThe value of the secret.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_secretSELECTidOrName, teamIdRetrieves the information for a specific secret by passing either the secret id or name in the URL.
get_secretsSELECTteamIdRetrieves the active Vercel secrets for the authenticated user or team. By default it returns 20 secrets. The rest can be retrieved using the pagination options. The body will contain an entry for each secret.
create_secretINSERTname, teamId, data__name, data__valueAllows to create a new secret.
delete_secretDELETEidOrName, teamIdThis deletes the user or team’s secret defined in the URL.
_get_secretsEXECteamIdRetrieves the active Vercel secrets for the authenticated user or team. By default it returns 20 secrets. The rest can be retrieved using the pagination options. The body will contain an entry for each secret.
rename_secretEXECname, teamId, data__nameEnables to edit the name of a secret. The name has to be unique to the user or team’s secrets.