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namestringThe name of this user.
accessRequestedAtnumberTimestamp in milliseconds for when this team member was accepted by an owner.
avatarstringID of the file for the Avatar of this member.
bitbucketobjectInformation about the Bitbucket account of this user.
confirmedbooleanBoolean that indicates if this member was confirmed by an owner.
createdAtnumberTimestamp in milliseconds when this member was added.
emailstringThe email of this member.
githubobjectInformation about the GitHub account for this user.
gitlabobjectInformation about the GitLab account of this user.
joinedFromobjectMap with information about the members origin if they joined by requesting access.
projectsarrayArray of project memberships
rolestringRole of this user in the team.
uidstringThe ID of this user.
usernamestringThe unique username of this user.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_team_membersSELECTteamIdGet a paginated list of team members for the provided team.
remove_team_memberDELETEteamId, uidRemove a Team Member from the Team, or dismiss a user that requested access, or leave a team.
_get_team_membersEXECteamIdGet a paginated list of team members for the provided team.
invite_user_to_teamEXECteamIdInvite a user to join the team specified in the URL. The authenticated user needs to be an OWNER in order to successfully invoke this endpoint. The user can be specified with an email or an ID. If both email and ID are provided, ID will take priority.
update_team_memberEXECteamId, uidUpdate the membership of a Team Member on the Team specified by teamId, such as changing the role of the member, or confirming a request to join the Team for an unconfirmed member. The authenticated user must be an OWNER of the Team.